Tue May 07 2024

People travel for various reasons, and it seems that everyone has their own preferred way of traveling. Some individuals always seek out new places to visit, wanting to increase the number of locations they have been to. On the other hand, some people prefer to return to familiar destinations, where they once felt comfortable. Additionally, there are those who travel to visit friends and family, while others engage in sports activities such as biking, seeking out new routes to explore. Some individuals enjoy hiking, embarking on long excursions that span several hours.


It is effortless to observe and make judgments about others' travel preferences, but have you ever wondered why you personally travel? I pondered this question the other day and realized that it is much more challenging to answer when it comes to myself than to comment on someone else. I came to the conclusion that I am attempting to recreate certain childhood memories, adventures feelings of having something unexpected happen. I remember taking a bus journey of over 1000 kilometers south to visit my grandmother, who resided in a deserted mountain town in Easter Kazakhstan. Upon my arrival, she would always prepare a delicious meal for me, as well as the banja (sauna), which included filling up the water and heating it up by burning a fire. I remember the taste of the water and the soothing sound of the nearby lake in that region. Surely, the price to experience all of that, was the ride in a bus, when the last 5 hours of the trip was through the mountains on the poorly supported roads and often with inappropriate for that road speed. Unfortunately, my grandmother is no longer with us, but I have come to realize that every time I travel, I am in search of those nostalgic experiences once again.

Sun Jan 21 2024

I was inspired by the books of David Shannon, where the illustrator tells us a story of being small and hearing ‘No, David!’ from his mom. My son wanted different kind stories about himself, even though he was laughing a lot about the illustrations of David. My son preferred illustrations, when I am pleased on his achievements at home. Why not, I am very proud of him indeed!

Sat Dec 30 2023

Power of memories


This year we visited Switzerland. Last time I was there in 2012, when my husband, at that time boyfriend, and I graduated from the university and bought a car from the earned money. We were excited to explore Austria and Switzerland on the four wheels. At some point we landed on the Walensee. There were kayaks on the shore. We asked whether we can rent one. To our surprise we got „Sure!“, even when the time was 16 o’clock and they were closing at 18. After many years I still remember those two hours paddling to the opposite shore through that beautiful lake seeing that perfect scenes. We were young and happy.


This time I insisted we go to that place again. I hoped to rent a kayak to cross the Walensee again. Unfortunately, that sport club closed. „No renting kayaks anymore“ said the guy in the kiosk trying to speak in clear to us German. Still his Swiss accent was strong that I felt the wrinkles gather on my face from concentration. „But, yes, there was a place few years ago here, where you could rent boats and kayaks. I am sorry to disappoint you“. I felt suddenly how those years passed. I felt how heavier I became in my head. I felt those years are gone and there was no way back. Not that I was missing something particular. The realisation that so many years passed, although I felt puddling through the lake almost yesterday, added heavy weight in my head and my chest. Is it from getting older? Is it a midlife crisis? I do not know. I guess it is life.


I drew the picture with watercolours, when I returned back home. I gave it to my friend, whom I am visiting in Switzerland. The friend with whom I managed to keep the friendship over years. The friend, who inspires me to draw, to cook and to travel and at the same time the friend, with whom I can have long discussions about work.





Sun Aug 27 2023

Joint project with my husband, who likes making rhymes. I eventually wrote down three of them. They are related to the neighbours cat, which is regularly visiting us begging for the food. It stares often in the window like a stocker, while we are eating or working, which brings us uncomfortable feelings by ignoring it.

Sat Aug 26 2023

A small town in eastern Kazakhstan is a place, where I spent my childhood. It is a far away place, where Soviets did not succeed to finish building rails and a train station before collapsing. The train stops 10 km before reaching the city. People take a bus after. The amazing thing about the town is that it is located in the region with the most beautiful nature I saw in my life. Beautiful mountains and the lake with the clean water were around me during all those years. We reached the lake by driving the motorcycle. No idea, how we, as kids, fit in that motorcycle cradle. I only remember it was tight.


My grandma’s house was located outside of the city. It was actually on one of the last streets before the city ended. Bringing a calf and a goat outside belonged to the daily routines. During hot days they got a bucket of water. The animals were friendly enough, which made it fun to look after them. Sometimes they wanted to butt with us, which made me think this is a way they say they want to play with us.


Chickens were in my grandmother’s places as well. Quite often they snicked to the garden, then we had to chase them away. Doing it alone was not an easy job. The way out was a door. Chickens prefer to be chased around the huge garden instead of going out through the door.


My grandma had banya (kind of a sauna) instead of a shower. In front of it, there was a barrel, filled up with water. It was a pleasure to jump into the cold water after sitting in the hot banya for a while and to stare at the sky full of stars. The feeling of vacation and freedom at that moment is still with me, when I remember it.

Sat Aug 12 2023

As a memory of our drawing sessions. I try to keep a handicraft work sessions for birthday cards alive. It is a time, when we discuss what my son wants to give as a present and what he wants to put on a card, so his friend feels happy. It is interesting to hear the stories my son tells me during this sessions, his explanations, his way of thinking. In the later month I feel like I started getting troubles to convince him to do any drawing activity. There is too much thing around kids, which is surely good, but I guess I feel sad sometimes there is no chance to concentrate on few these days.

Sun May 07 2023

Ninjago birthday card turned into a discussion with my son, which ninja is the best. He got surprised that I am not aware that Zen is the favourite among his friends. Well, I guess I learned something.

Sat Apr 15 2023

This Easter we tried the old technique for coloring eggs with wax. The technique is time consuming in terms of long preparations for finding the equipment for melting wax and preparing those feathers. It is also challenging, because the wax dries out immidietely after it lands on an egg. Nevertheless, my kid was patient and got a lot of fun from this activity.

Sat Feb 25 2023

After exciting four days of skiing vacations the day number 5 turned into sickness, which means staying at home. Well, my kid was a superstar during his four day course, taking red slopes with no fear. Now it it is time for his mummy to make another drawing, while letting her leg muscles to rest and blisters to heal.

Sat Dec 31 2022

I wanted to learn how to use a program for vector graphic for a long time. Finally, the chance came on this Christmas vacations, when I found time for Vectornator, easy for beginners application.


The illustration is supposed to be for our international women’s club in Erlangen area, where women meet once per month to explore a new restaurant, to meet new people, to share their stories often related with integration in a new country.

Wed Nov 02 2022

Our recent creative activity was making birthday 🎂 and Christmas 🎄 cards. So many amazing ideas💡in Pinterest, which are easy to implement. Nice way to relax and stop yourself thinking about the world going down.

Mon Oct 31 2022

Happy Halloween 🎃🖤🎃


We didn't succeed in finding a big pumpkin on Saturday, but it seems like a small one can bring a lot of happiness to a kid as well.

Mon Oct 03 2022

Hello there 😊 the first post for my husband to test this blog is functioning. It looks like it is! Thanks 😘